Most Commented Audios

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  • mp3
  • Title: Escape What's Holding You Back

  • Description:  - Personal Development
  • Rating   1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star     Played: (2118)     Duration: (35 min)     Uploaded: 04-10-16
  • Tags:  self help
  • Comments - Responses: (0)
  • mp3
  • Title: i dont deserve to get over my sad

  • Description: social anxiety
  • Rating   1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star     Played: (1)     Duration: (16:16)     Uploaded: 01-07-12
  • Tags: social anxiety
  • Comments - Responses: (0)
  • mp3
  • Title: my sad is the only way i can get love

  • Description: social axiety
  • Rating   1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star     Played: (1)     Duration: (19:35)     Uploaded: 01-07-12
  • Tags: social anxiety
  • Comments - Responses: (0)
  • mp3
  • Title: sebastiaandocchangeinto1

  • Description: social anxiety
  • Rating   1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star     Played: (2)     Duration: (00:49)     Uploaded: 16-04-12
  • Tags: social anxiety
  • Comments - Responses: (0)
  • mp3
  • Title: Finding Causes Triggers Audio

  • Description:  - Finding Causes Triggers Audio
  • Rating   1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star     Played: (2783)     Duration: (01:52)     Uploaded: 01-09-10
  • Tags:  Finding Causes Triggers Audio
  • Comments - Responses: (0)
  • mp3
  • mp3
  • Title: resistancedeserving

  • Description: social anxiety
  • Rating   1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star     Played: (8)     Duration: (05:18)     Uploaded: 23-05-13
  • Tags: social anxiety
  • Comments - Responses: (0)
  • mp3
  • Title: Acceptance Tapping

  • Description:  -
  • Rating   1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star 1 Star     Played: (5757)     Duration: ()     Uploaded: 28-12-15
  • Tags: 
  • Comments - Responses: (0)